Concrete Block Calculator IS 2572

Concrete Block Calculation


Total Concrete Block required 909

Sr No. Material Unit
1 Blocks 909
2 Cement 5 Bags
3 Sand 1.43 ton

Volume = 2.36 m3 | 83.19 ft3

Concrete Block calculation

Step 1 :

Volume of Concrete Block  =  Length (m)  ×  Depth (m)  ×   Wall Thickness (m)
Volume of Concrete Block =  3.20  ×  3.20  ×   0.23
Volume of Concrete Block  = 2.36 m3
Volume of Concrete Block  = 83.19 ft3

Block Size = 9 (inch)× 4 (inch)× 3 (inch)
Block Size = ( 9 × 0.0254 ) × ( 4 × 0.0254 ) × ( 3 × 0.02454 )
Block Size = 0.2286 (m)× 0.1016 (m)× 0.0762 (m)

Size of Block with Mortar = ( 0.2286 + 0.015 ) × ( 0.1016 + 0.015 )  × ( 0.0762 + 0.015 )Size of Block with Mortar = 0.2436 (m) × 0.1166 (m) × 0.0912 (m)

No of Blocks = Volume of Concrete Block Volume of one Block

No of Blocks = 2.3558 m30.2436 × 0.1166 × 0.0912

No of Blocks = 909 Blocks

Actual Volume of Blocks Mortar = No of Blocks × Volume of Block Without Mortar
Actual Volume of Blocks Mortar = 909 × ( 0.2286 × 0.1016 × 0.0762 )
Actual Volume of Blocks Mortar = 909 × 0.0018
Actual Volume of Blocks Mortar =  1.6095 m3

 Quantity of Mortar = Volume of Block Mansonary - Actual Volume of Blocks without mortar
 Quantity of Mortar = 2.3558 - 1.6095
 Quantity of Mortar = 0.7463 m3
Add 15% more for wastage, Non - uniform thickness of mortar joins

Quantity of Mortar = 0.7463   +     0.7463   ×   15100   
Quantity of Mortar = 0.8582
Add 25% more for Dry Volume
Quantity of Mortar = 0.8582   +     0.8582   ×   25100   
Quantity of Mortar = 1.0728 m3

Step 2 :

Amount of Cement

CementSum of Ratio×Qauntity Of Mortar

Cement =17  ×  1.0728
Cement =0.1533 m3
1 Bag of Cement = 0.035 m3
No fo Cement Bags = 0.15330.035

No 0f Cement Bags = 219 kg

Step 3 :

Amount of Sand Required

SandSum of Ratio×Qauntity Of Mortar

Sand =67 × 1.0728

Sand =0.9195 m3
By Considering dry loose bulk density of sand 1550 kg/m3
Sand = 0.92 × 1550

Sand = 1425.28 kg

What is concrete blocks calculation?

A concrete block is primarily used as a building material in the construction of walls. It is sometimes called a concrete Block unit (CMU). A concrete block is one of several precast concrete products used in construction.

Concrete blocks can be solid or hollow with two or three cores or voids. Concert blocks are lightweight generally concrete blocks are light and common in various sizes a standard concert block is 600mm x 250mm x 150mm is equivalent to by about 8 red concrete-block, the weight of one single block is about 14kg where is 8 red concrete-block is 36kg that is more than double.


Concrete Block Calculation
Volume of Concrete Block =  Length (m)  ×  Depth (m)  ×   Wall Thickness

Block Size = Block Length × Block Width × Block Height

No of Blocks = Volume of Concrete BlockVolume of one Block

Actual Volume of Blocks Mortar = No of Blocks × Volume of Block Without Mortar

 Quantity of Mortar = Volume of Concrete Block - Actual Volume of Blocks without mortar
  • m3(Cubic meter) and ft3(Cubic feet) is a total area.
  • Here 1:5 ratio so 1 is part of cement and 5 is a part of sand 6 is total ofcement and sand
  • 0.002 is volume of blocks with cement and sand.
  • 0.0015 Volume of block without cement and sand Answer we get is with water so we get mortar.
  • 0.035 is volume of one cement bag.
  • 1550 is volume conversion m3 to kg.
  • Length and breadth in meter/cm.

1 m3 = 35.3147 ft3


What are the important concrete block?

It is used in high rise building to reduce structural load. Concrete blocks are easy to handle compare to red Concrete-Block, they are larger in dimension and superior in quality and most importantly save in time and cost.